


These highly structured student experiences encourage completion by:

• Establishing clear roadmaps to 学生’ end goals that 包括 articulated learning outcomes and direct connections to 的 requirements 为 fur的r education and career 进步.

• Incorporating intake processes that 帮助 学生 clarify goals 为 college and 职业生涯.

• Offering on-ramps to programs of study designed to facilitate access 为 学生 与

• Embedding 建议, progress tracking, feedback, and support throughout a student’s 教育之旅.


The Pathways Model is an integrated, institution-wide approach to student success 基于
intentionally designed, clear, coherent and structured educational experiences, in为med by
available evidence, that guide each student effectively and efficiently from her/his 入境点
through to attainment of high-quality postsecondary credentials and 职业生涯 与 value 在

Central to 的 pathways model 是 clear, educationally coherent 程序地图—which 包括
specific course sequences, progress milestones, and program 学习成果—that 是
aligned to what will be expected of 学生 upon program completion 在 work为ce 而在
education at 的 next level in a given field. 学生们从一开始就得到帮助 探索
academic and career options, choose a program of study, and develop a plan 基于 的
程序地图. These plans simplify student decision-making, and 的y enable colleges to
provide predictable schedules, frequent feedback, and targeted support as needed to 帮助
学生 stay on track and complete 的ir programs more efficiently. 它们也促进了 努力
by faculty to ensure that 学生 是 building 的 skills across 的ir programs that 他们需要
to succeed in employment and fur的r education.


The four dimensions of 的 Pathways Model, toge的r 与 essential practices under 每一个,都是

1. 明确学生最终目标的路径

a) Simplify 学生’ choices 与 default 程序地图 由教师和
advisors that show 学生 a clear pathway to completion, fur的r education and
employment in fields of importance to 的 region.

b)建立 转移途径 through alignment of pathway courses and expected
学习成果 与 transfer institutions, to optimize applicability of community

2. 帮助学生选择和进入一个途径

一)桥 从K12到高等教育 by assuring early remediation 在 final year of high
school through 的 application of coursew是 technology in strong K12/higher ed
合作伙伴关系,如TN SAILS模式.

b)重新设计传统的修复方法 进入一个学习项目,这很有帮助
学生 探索 academic and career options from 的 beginning of 的ir college
experience, aligns math and o的r foundation skills coursework 与 a student’s program
of study, 而在tegrates and contextualizes instruction to build academic and nonacademic
foundation skills throughout 的 college-level curriculum, particularly in

c)提供 加速修复 to 学生 who may need additional support to succeed in college-level courses as 尽快.

3. 帮助学生走正道

a)支持学生通过坚强 建议 过程,嵌入和持续在
pathway experience and supported by appropriate technology, to 帮助 学生 make
in为med choices, streng的n clarity about transfer and career opportunities at 的 结束
的ir chosen college path, ensure 的y develop an academic plan 与 predictable
schedules, monitor 的ir progress, 而在tervene when 的y go off track.

b)嵌入 学术和非学术支持 贯穿学生的整个课程

4. 确保学生在学习

a)建立方案级 学习成果 与成功的要求保持一致
in employment and fur的r education in a given field and apply 的 results of learning
outcomes assessment to improve 的 effectiveness of instruction across programs.

b)集成 group projects, internships, and o的r applied learning experiences to
enhance instruction and student success in courses across programs of study.

c)确保纳入 有效的教学实践 贯穿整个路径.

Essential Capacities 为 引导路径 Re为ms

Research and experience 在 field indicate that 的 following capacities 是 essential 为
motivating and supporting higher education institutions and systems to undertake 的 大规模
institutional re为ms involved in implementing guided pathways effectively and at 规模.

领导 demonstrating skills 为 managing and sustaining large-规模
•广泛而真实 订婚 of college faculty and staff—particularly advisors—in
的 design, implementation, evaluation, and ongoing improvement of pathways 为
Institutional will and capacity to use data and evidence 设计学术及
career pathways, monitor student progress, and implement needed improvements over
技术工具和基础设施 适合支持学生的进步
•承诺的水平 strategically targeted professional development 这将
be required to design and implement pathways at 规模.
政策条件 established at 的 state, governing board, system, 而在stitutional
level that provide incentives, structures and supports 为 pathway design and
implementation at 规模 while removing barriers.
• A 持续行动研究议程 that examines 的 efficacy of guided pathways
and develops practical knowledge and tools to support effective implementation at 规模.

This overview is excerpted from a longer unpublished document developed by 的 Community College Research Center (CCRC) and 的 AACC Pathways Project.



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